Monthly Archives: May 2020

The Great Icelandic Forest Renewal Project

100 years ago there was scarcely a tree here. Then Jónas Hallgrimmson wrote a poem asking Icelanders to throw off the chains of Danish domination and go back to their roots.

Syðra-Miðgil, Looking South towards the Jökullsá à Follum and Vigabjargsfoss. Dettifoss is further upstream, but without trees.

When you want something done, find a poet. Thanks, Jónas.

The Great Icelandic Challenge

It’s a hard one, but is it better to drive up to Dettifoss and get close to a wall of water, or park five kilometres away and walk along to goroge until  you’re ready to see the falls from a new perspective?

Dunno, but when I got this far, I didn’t want to go further, and turned around, to the forest. It was hiding behind a rock and taking on human form.

It was a message. Iceland is full of messages like that.